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Paediatric Emergency Medication Book: India
Éditeur | THIEME |
Date | 18/10/2023 |
Pages | 110 |
Taille | 28 x 21 |
Type | Spiralé |
ISBN | 9789390553938 |
Description détaillée : Paediatric Emergency Medication Book: India
Paediatric Emergency Medication Book: India provides a practical, pragmatic guide to one of the most stressful clinical encounters, that is, the resuscitation of a critically ill infant or child. Medication safety during paediatric resuscitation is vitally important.
Time pressures of emergency treatment can lead to errors in drug calculation, drawing up, dilution, or administration. Such errors can be catastrophic, potentially leading to worsening shock, cardiac arrest, or even death.
This book, based on a successful model developed at Monash Children's Hospital, Australia, and building on years of clinical experience in one of the busiest paediatric emergency departments in the world (Institute of Child Health, Chennai), is designed to improve safety during the resuscitation of critically ill children.
What are the Key Features of "Paediatric Emergency Medication Book : India" ?
- Pre-calculated, weight-based doses in resuscitation situations (cardiac arrest, intubation, seizures, shock, electrolyte abnormalities, and anaphylaxis)
- Age-appropriate endotracheal tube size and positioning
- Established Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) and Paediatric Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (PREM) guidelines are presented for a number of critical conditions, including asthma, dengue, snake bite, seizures, septic shock, and respiratory distress.
- Information is provided in a user-friendly and colour-coded layout. Tables and highlighting provide easy access to medication doses, appropriate dilution, infusions rates, and volumes to be administered.
- The book is spiral-bound, durable, and specifically designed for use in clinical settings such as on a resuscitation trolley, in theatre, in the emergency department, or intensive care.
This resource is endorsed by the Tamil Nadu Accident and Emergency Care Initiative (TAEI) and PREM initiative (National Health Mission–Tamil Nadu), Society of Emergency Medicine India (SEMI), and Society of Trauma and Emergency Paediatrics (STEP)–India.
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Sommaire : Paediatric Emergency Medication Book: India
Section 1: Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) Algorithms
Asystole and PEA Management
VF / Pulseless VT Management
VT Management
Bradycardia Management
SVT Management
Section 2: Pediatric Resuscitation & Emergency Medication Protocols
PREM Triangle: Decision Making Tool for Resuscitation
PREM Triangle: Recognition of Relative Bradypnea, Relative Bradycardia & Relative Hypotension
Triage & Resuscitate Using PREM Triangles
Management of Acute Stridor Based on Severity and Etiology
Recognizing Aetiology and Severity of Hypoxia and Shock for Children Presenting with Fever and Acute Respiratory Distress
Triage Questions to Establish Aetiology of Respiratory Distress
Management of Acute Exacerbation of Asthma
Management of Shock with Respiratory Distress and Cardiac Dysfunction (CD)
Recognition of Sepsis Induced Organ Dysfunction in Children Presenting with Febrile Illness
Management of Vasodilatory Septic Shock with Cardiac Dysfunction and Pulmonary Oedema
Recognition and Fluid Resuscitation of Diarrhoea Based on the Severity of Dehydration and Shock
Dengue—Recognition of Severity
Dengue—Management Based on Severity
Management of Status Epilepticus with Hypoxia & Vasodilatory Cardiogenic Shock
Approach to Abnormal Movements with Decreased Level of Consciousness
Approach to Snake Bite
Management of Scorpion Sting
Section 3: Algorithms for the Management of Electrolyte Disturbances
Section 4: Weight-Based Medication Doses
Paediatric Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine Case Record
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