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Emergency Ultrasound Made Easy, 3rd edition
Auteur(s) | Russel E. McLaughlin, Justin Bowra, Paul Atkinson, Jaimie L. Henry |
Date | 26/04/2021 |
Pages | 272 |
Taille | 15 x 22 |
Type | Broché |
ISBN | 9780702081057 |
Description détaillée : Emergency Ultrasound Made Easy, 3rd edition
The text is highly accessible and easy to use in an emergency. It is aimed at the rapidly expanding cohort of non-radiologist clinical sonographers who use focused ultrasound.
What is the content of "Emergency Ultrasound Made Easy 3rd Edition" ?
However, its broad scope (for example using ultrasound in the rapid diagnosis of DVT) makes it an invaluable addition to the library of any doctor with an interest in the technique, whether in primary care or the hospital setting.
- This simple, jargon-free text fits in your pocket, providing an ‘on-the-spot’ guide to clinician-performed ultrasound in the emergency department, intensive care unit or in the field.
- Multiple accompanying videos featuring examples of ultrasound in clinical practice
- New chapter on the use of ultrasound in small anatomical structures such as the eyes and testes
- New chapter on paediatric ultrasound
- Respiratory chapter updated to include COVID-19
Who are the authors of "Emergency Ultrasound Made Easy 3rd Edition" ?
Justin Bowra, MBBS, FACEM, CCPU, Director of Emergency Medicine Training, Sydney Adventist Hospital; Senior Emergency Physician, Royal North Shore and Sydney Adventist Hospitals; Senior Lecturer, University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney, Australia
Russell E McLaughlin, MB, BCH, BAO, FRCSI, MMedSci, FCEM, CFEU, Clinical Director, Emergency Department, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK
Paul Atkinson, MB BCh BAO (Hons) MA FRCEM FRCPC CFEU, Professor and Research Program Director, Emergency Medicine; Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine Research Committee, Dalhousie University; Saint John, New Brunswick; Senior Editor, Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Jaimie L Henry, MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCP, Registrar in Intensive Care, Mater Hospital Sydney / Northern Beaches Hospital, New South Wales, Australia
Auteur(s): Emergency Ultrasound Made Easy, 3rd edition
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