Current Therapy in Trauma and Critical Care, 2nd edition

Demanding surgical situations require expert advice from pioneers in the field as well as from those on the front lines of trauma care. Practical and evidence-based, Current Therapy of Trauma and...

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Auteur(s) Juan A. Asencio
Date 30/07/2015
Taille 21 x 29,7
Type Relié
ISBN 9780323079808

Description détaillée : Current Therapy in Trauma and Critical Care, 2nd edition

The concise format makes it ideally suited for everyday use, and new, full-color illustrations highlight the most important aspects of urgent surgical care, including ventilator management, damage control, noninvasive techniques, imaging, infection control, dealing with mass casualties, and treating injuries induced by chemical and biological agents.

Sommaire : Current Therapy in Trauma and Critical Care, 2nd edition

Current Therapy in Trauma and Critical Care, 2nd Edition PART I. TRAUMA SYSTEMS Development of Trauma Systems Trauma Center Organization and Verification Injury Severity Scoring: Its Definition and Practical Application Role of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Trauma Role of Trauma Prevention in Reducing Interpersonal Violence Trauma Scoring Results of the Medical Strategy for Military Trauma in Colombia PART II. PREHOSPITAL TRAUMA CARE Influence of Emergency Medical Services on Outcome at Trauma Center Field Triage in the Military Arena Field Triage in the Civilian Arena Prehospital Airway Management: Intubation, Devices, and Controversies Prehospital Fluid Resuscitation: What Type, How Much, and Controversies Civilian Hospital Response to Mass Casualty Events Injuries from Explosives Prehospital Care of Biologic Agent-Induced Injuries Wound Ballistics: What Every Trauma Surgeon Should Know Common Prehospital Complications and Pitfalls in the Trauma Patient PART III. INITIAL ASSESSMENT AND RESUSCITATION Airway Management: What Every Trauma Surgeon Should Know, From Intubation to Cricothyroidotomy Resuscitation Fluids Resuscitative Thoracotomy Focused Assessment with Sonography for the Trauma Patient Role of Radiology in Initial Trauma Evaluation Interventional Radiology: Diagnostic andTherapeuticRoles Endpoints of Resuscitation PART IV. HEAD AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURIES Traumatic Brain Injury: Pathophysiology, Clinical Diagnosis, and Prehospital and Emergency Center Care Traumatic Brain Injury: Imaging, Operative and Nonoperative Care, and Complications Spine: Spinal Cord Injury, Blunt and Penetrating, Neurogenic and Spinal Shock PART V. MAXILLOFACIAL AND OCULAR INJURIES Maxillofacial Trauma Trauma to the Eye and Orbit PART VI. NECK INJURIES Penetrating Neck Injuries: Diagnosis and Current Management Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries Tracheal, Laryngeal, and Oropharyngeal Injuries PART VII. THORACIC INJURIES Pertinent Surgical Anatomy of the Thorax and Mediastinum Thoracic Wall Injuries: Ribs, Sternal, and Scapular Fractures; Hemothoraces and Pneumothoraces Diagnostic and Therapeutic Roles of Bronchoscopy and Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy in the Management of Thoracic Trauma Pulmonary Contusion and Flail Chest Operative Treatment of Chest Wall Injury Tracheal and Tracheobronchial Tree Injuries Operative Management of Pulmonary Injuries: Lung-Sparing and Formal Resections Complications of Pulmonary and Pleural Injury Cardiac Injuries Thoracic Vascular Injury Open and Endovascular Management of Thoracic Aortic Injuries Treatment of Esophageal Injury PART VIII. ABDOMINAL INJURIES Diaphragmatic Injury Surgical Anatomy of the Abdomen and Retroperitoneum Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage and Laparoscopy in the Evaluation of Abdominal Trauma Nonoperative Management of Blunt and Penetrating Abdominal Injuries Gastric Injuries Small Bowel Injury Duodenal Injuries Pancreatic Injuries and Pancreaticoduodenectomy Liver Injury Splenic Injuries Abdominal Vascular Injury Colon and Rectal Injuries Genitourinary Tract Injuries Gynecologic Injuries: Trauma to Gravid and Nongravid Uterus and Female Genitalia Multidisciplinary Management of Pelvic Fractures: Operative and Nonoperative Management PART IX. SPECIAL ISSUES IN MAJOR TORSO TRAUMA Current Concepts in the Diagnosis and Management of Hemorrhagic Shock The Syndrome of Exsanguination: Reliable Models to Indicate Damage Control Damage Control Resuscitation: An Evidence-Based Report Surgical Techniques for Thoracic, Abdominal, Pelvic, and Extremity Damage Control Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, Damage Control, and the Open Abdomen Torso Trauma on the Modern Battlefield PART X. PERIPHERAL VASCULAR INJURY Vascular Anatomy of the Extremities Diagnosis of Vascular Trauma Penetrating Carotid Artery: Uncommon Complex and Lethal Injuries Subclavian Vessel Injuries: Difficult Anatomy and Difficult Territory Operative Exposure and Management of Axillary Vessel Injuries Brachial Vessel Injuries: High Morbidity and Low Mortality Injuries Iliac Vessel Injuries: Difficult Injuries and Difficult Management Problems Femoral Vessel Injuries: High Mortality and Low Morbidity Injuries Popliteal Vessel Injuries: Complex Anatomy and High Amputation Rates Temporary Vascular Shunts PART XI. MUSCULOSKELETAL AND PERIPHERAL CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURIES Upper Extremity Fractures: Orthopaedic Management Lower Extremity and Degloving Injury Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Fractures Pelvic Fractures Wrist and Hand Fractures: Orthopaedic Management of Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care Scapulothoracic Dissociation and Degloving Injuries of the Extremities Extremity Replantation: Indications and Timing Special Techniques for the Management of Complex Musculoskeletal Injuries: The Roles of Fasciocutaneous and Myocutaneous Flaps PART XII. SPECIAL ISSUES AND SITUATIONS IN TRAUMA MANAGEMENT Airway Management: What Every Surgeon Should Know about the Traumatic Airway (The Anesthesiologists Perspective) Pediatric Trauma Trauma in Pregnancy Trauma in our "Elders" Burns Soft Tissue Infections Common Errors in Trauma Care Combat Trauma Care: Lessons Learned from a Decade of War PART XIII. CRITICAL CARE I: MANAGEMENT OF ORGAN FAILURES AND TECHNIQUES FOR SUPPORT Cardiac Hemodynamics: The Pulmonary Artery Catheter and the Meaning of Its Readings Oxygen Transport Pharmacologic Support of Cardiac Failure Diagnosis and Management of Cardiac Dysrhythmias Fundamentals of Mechanical Ventilation Advanced Techniques in Mechanical Ventilation Management of Renal Failure: Renal Replacement Therapy and Dialysis Management of Coagulation Disorders in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit Management of Endocrine Disorders in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit Transfusion: Management of Blood and Blood Products in Trauma PART XIV: CRITICAL CARE II: SPECIAL ISSUES AND TREATMENTS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and Multiple- Organ Dysfunction Syndrome: Definition, Diagnosis, and Management Sepsis, Septic Shock, and Its Treatment Immunology of Trauma Overview of Infectious Diseases in Trauma Patients Nosocomial Pneumonia Antibiotic Use in the Intensive Care Unit: The Old and the New Fungal Colonization and Infection During Critical Illness Preoperative and Postoperative Nutritional Support: Strategies for Enteral and Parenteral Therapies Venous Thromboembolism: Diagnosis and Treatment Hypothermia and Trauma Surgical Procedures in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit Anesthesia in the Critical Care Unit and Pain Management Diagnostic Management of Brain Death in the Intensive Care Unit and Organ Donation PART XV: REHABILITATION AND QUALITY OF LIFE AFTER TRAUMA AND OTHER ISSUES Palliative Care in the Trauma Intensive Care Unit Trauma Rehabilitation Trauma Outcomes

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Juan A. Asencio
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