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Hensley's Practical Approach to Cardiothoracic Anesthesia 7th Edition
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Auteur(s) | Karsten Bartels |
Date | 27/06/2024 |
Pages | 752 |
Taille | 17 x 25 |
Type | Broché |
ISBN | 9781975209100 |
Description détaillée : Hensley's Practical Approach to Cardiothoracic Anesthesia 7th Edition
What are the Key Features of "Hensley's Practical Approach to Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Seventh Edition" ?
• Presents information in a concise, bulleted format, making it easy to read and absorb key points
• Key points are identified at the beginning of each chapter and in the margins with clinical pearls appearing throughout the text
• Provides up-to-date coverage of cardiac physiology and pharmacology, pre-procedural patient preparation, anesthetic management of specific disorders and procedures, post-procedural management, and more
• Prepares you for the new ACGME certifying exam for adult cardiothoracic anesthesiology
• Offers the experience and expertise of three new co-editors and nearly 70 contributors from over 35 institutions
• Features videos appearing in the eBook bundled with the text pearls
• A valuable resource for anesthesia residents, fellows in cardiac anesthesia, anesthesiology practitioners, perfusionists, and CRNAs
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